Welcome to my second grade website!

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Links to Know and Use

Here are direct links to the programs we are utilizing.   Let me know if you have trouble accessing.

Remember to sign in with your student's email:

                namelastinitial2030@ycschools.org          e.g.        sallyb2030@ycschools.org

password:           Welcome1 with a capital W        

Google Classroom:

https://classroom.google.com/ Class code is:      zw7dlap

I-Ready Math:




Other sites we've used this year: If you haven't used these lately, try them out.  If you need passwords, let me know.


Epic Books

Storyline Online


Freckle Math


Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Fwd: Mobymax Minutes

Hello everyone,
I wanted to point out a few things with the Mobymax Language Arts options.  I have assigned minutes on your students Mobymax page.  
If you are limited for time, please do the minutes assigned to your students first.
The following are your assignments to complete daily.  Once you have completed the daily number of minutes, feel free to do more of the other options on the page, or spend more time in science or social studies.  i-Ready is also a good option for doing additional minutes practicing concepts. 
  1. Spelling 5 minutes
  2. Vocabulary 5 minutes
  3. Foundational Reading skills 20 minutes
  4. Fact fluency 10 minutes (practice more if you wish)
  5. Science OR Social studies OPTIONAL (either one each day)
  6. i-Ready Math 25 minutes (practice more if you wish)
THIS IS EACH DAY on the Chromebook or computer.  I am assigning minutes to be able to gather data to do a final report card in June.  

Please see that your second grader spends the time in Mobymax and i-Ready every day if possible.
In math, please go through to slides in the Google Classroom and complete the assigned pages.  After you have completed the daily activities, have your student play outside, art, puzzles and other engaging activities not with a screen.

Please contact me if you are having trouble accessing the site, click here Google Classroom  (Class password: zw7dlap) or need help logging in or accessing assignments, my number is below.  I may try to contact you in the next few days via phone to see how things are going.

My best,
Joe Wilkins


Friday, April 3, 2020

Try this!

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

At home classwork option. Mobymax.com

Hello everyone,
If you are in my class this year and haven't gotten an email from me, please check your junk email. I have created an account for your student on Mobymax.com.  I can monitor progress from home and make adjustments remotely.  If you don't see a link and how to begin, please give me a call so I can get you the info. 
Thanks and stay healthy. 

Joe (Mr. Wilkins)

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Monday, October 7, 2019

YCES Walk-a-Thon (Tiger Run)

October, 18 2019 (All Day)
YCES Track

The 2018 Walk-A-Thon was a huge success! Because of your support and the hard work of our students we were able to enrich the educational experience of our students in many ways. Looking towards the future, we have a desire to accomplish even more in the coming school year for our kids. This year with your support, we hope to be able to fund the following needs within our school and classrooms with this year’s donations:

·     -  Purchase updated tablets and other technology for our classroom
·     - Purchase essential classroom supplies, recess equipment and more!!!
·      - Provide funding for school-wide assemblies such as OMSI and The Oregon Coast Aquarium
·     -  Fund field trips to places such as Fort Clatsop, The Audubon Society, They Yamhill Historical Society and Museum and much more, including all the busing needs for all field trips.
·      - Fund Movie Night, Bingo night and hopefully additional family nights at school
·      - Fund a part-time Instructional Assistant at YCES
·      = Purchase and install a digital reader-board similar to the one outside of the High School

None of this would be possible without your support and involvement. Please continue to contribute to our children’s educational experience by supporting our 2019 Walk-A-Thon!

Thank you!

Using Freckle for Math

Here is a new site for our Math practice:  https://student.freckle.com/#/login

Our classroom code is:  YGTZ2Y
NOTE:  Use student first name, and last initial (for last name)
REMINDER:  Picture day is Thursday, October 10th.  Bring your best smile!

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Welcome to 2nd Grade!

September 3, 2019
Mr. Wilkins, Room 6  

Welcome to Yamhill Carlton Elementary second grade!  I am excited and looking forward to a wonderful year with your child at YCES.

Please read this information carefully, as many of your questions about the upcoming school year will be addressed. Items of interest to you may include the following:

Day Packet (Handbook)
Within your student’s backpack you will find the “first day of school” envelope.  Within the envelope you will find a parent student handbook, year-long calendar, lunch assistance form and a volunteer background check form.  Please read through the handbook with your student and sign the blue form.  Please also turn in the green Chromebook agreement form.  Much of the work we are doing in class will be supported and enhanced by the use of Chromebook. Thank you as well for looking through the student profile and updated phone numbers, addresses and other important information. 
TO DO:  Once you’ve read through the student profile, sign the back page and return to the teacher within the envelope.

Water Bottles
You are welcomed to send a refillable water bottle to use during the week.  We have found that individual water bottles for students result in less disruption during our learning time.  Water bottles will be sent home each Friday to be washed and returned.
TO DO:  Please label your child’s water bottle with a first name with a permanent marker.

We will be going outside to play in many different types of weather. 
TO DO:  Please have your second grader dress accordingly. Please label all coats, sweaters, jackets and backpacks.

We love to celebrate birthdays and are happy to celebrate if you wish to send a special snack for everyone.  Due to district policy all snacks/treats shared in class need to be store bought.  Please email me to let me know in advance if you are going to send in a snack.

If your child’s transportation routine will be different on a certain day, please send a signed note each day stating the change.  Also, it’s a good idea to email me and the YCES office with those details.  If a note is not provided, we will need to follow your child’s usual routine. 

Parent Help (Volunteering)
Parents are an essential part of their children’s success in school and I look forward to your assistance throughout the year.  I would like to take the first several weeks to get to know your child, assess our classroom needs for the year, and develop a volunteer schedule based one the needs for the students and the scheduled activities. 
TO DO:  Please complete and return the volunteer background check.  Email me with a desired time/level of commitment.  We have needs for field trips, parties, and weekly time slots.  We will start with the weekly/ biweekly help starting in October.

Teacher Contact
If you need to contact me, please feel free to call me before or after school hours at (503) 852-7161, send an email to wilkinsj@ycschools.org or send a note with your child.  I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Second graders will start optional homework as soon as our routines and procedures have been established.  I will send you detailed information for reading and math as time gets closer.

Back and Forth Folder
Back and Forth folders will be coming home every Thursday (except our first week.) 
TO DO:  Please remove and read information each Thursday and return the folder the next day.  Watch for important papers that may need to be signed and returned to the school.

I look forward to a super school year with your child!!